What comes to mind when a woman is mentioned in a conversation?
What is it you see first, when you see a lady walking down the street?
Her face?
Her body?
Her beauty?
Do you judge a woman by what she’s wearing?
Short dress, long dress, long nails, long lashes, colour of skin, and the list goes on…
Since time immemorial, women were never seen as more than just the physical appearance or for their prolific household management skills. From childhood, they were told how to dress right, but for the man, how to sweep, clean, cook, birth children and manage the home. All these points to how to keep a man. I ask time and again, if we teach girls to be better women to support their men. What exactly are we teaching our boys to be? Lords and kings over their wives? I mean if we raise boys and girls the same way, both gender will have the thoughtfulness to really support each other.
News flash, you do not need a vagina to do the laundry, feed your kids, put them to sleep or even cook a meal!
Dear woman, you are much more than your beautiful face, attractive body, and what society says you can be. You are beautiful, you are smart, you are assertive, you are worth everything you aspire to become, dare to dream and you would…